There has been no shortage of explosive tweet by President Donald Trump that have shaken his opponents and evoked fiery reactions, yet the tweet he sent out yesterday regarding revelations of a spy being planted in his campaign may go down as one of the president’s most potent. President Trump, responding to the widespread news […]
SHOCK REPORT: Obama’s FBI Planted Spy in Trump Campaign in Massive Surveillance Operation
Although the revelation that the FBI under the Obama administration had overseen surveillance of communications within Donald Trump’s campaign is already well know, it now appears that their spying did not end at simply “wiretapping”, but may have had an embedded spy feeding them information on specific members of the Trump campaign. Kimberly Strassel of […]
Google Sees Huge Increase in ‘How to Join the NRA’ Searches Since Parkland Shooting
As left-wing advocacy groups and anti-gun media personalities continue their daily assault on the National Rifle Association, frantically seeking to make them a scapegoat for the Parkland school shooting, it appears their efforts may be backfiring horrendously and have only succeeded in garnering more support for the NRA. Last week leftist organizations and various anti-gun […]
Banning Assault Rifles is the Fastest Way to Put MORE Guns on American Streets and Here’s Why
As the country is still reeling in the aftermath of the worst school shooting since Sandy Hook, the debate surrounding gun control has reached a fever pitch, with each political party taking their expected position on the issue. Naturally, after a horrific mass shooting that claimed the lives of 17 school students at Parkland School […]
Barack Obama ‘In The Bush’ Portrait Painted by Artist Who Portrayed White Woman Beheaded by Strong Black Woman
Today, the portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama were unveiled at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, where all past president’s portraits are displayed. While Michelle Obama’s portrait suffered from its own fair share of criticism, Barack Obama’s portrait reflected his presidency perfectly, as it was devoid of meaning and rife with scandal. It didn’t take […]
SCANDAL: Obama Reportedly Allowed Hezbollah to Smuggle US Cocaine to Support Nuke Deal
Barack Obama, who himself once bragged to the mainstream media about having a so-called “scandal-free” presidency, has now been accused of enabling Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah to smuggle drugs through used cars in order to finance their militant activities in the Middle East. Politico reports that the Obama administration quietly inhibited the Drug Enforcement Administration’s […]
ADP Services Reports Highest Number of New Manufacturing Jobs in History, 40k in November Under Trump
For the month of November, ADP Payroll Services reported the highest monthly increase in manufacturing jobs in their history of reporting. Donald Trump campaigned on bringing back manufacturing jobs, to which Obama scoffed at by saying “those jobs are never coming back”. Obama claimed that America was beyond manufacturing growth, that our best days were […]
Trump Family Christmas Card Wishes a Merry Christmas Instead of Obama’s Happy Holidays
One of President Trump’s frequent promises during his campaign rallies in 2016 was that he was going to bring back saying “Merry Christmas”, and that’s exactly what he’s doing this holiday season with the White House greeting cards. Trump is delivering on a small, but very important, campaign promise this December as he is bringing […]
McMaster Reportedly Purging Pro-Trump Staffers While Protecting Obama Holdovers
Reports are surfacing that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster has been busy purging nationalist and those who support Trump’s “America First” agenda from the president’s administration, as well as anyone who has anything negative to say about globalism, in attempt to isolate the president from advisors who support his pro-America policies. A National Security Council […]
Watch 40,000 Boy Scouts Cheer for President Trump While Booing Obama
President Donald Trump received a warm welcome during his address at the Boy Scouts of America’s National Jamboree. Trump starts out by saying, “We have a lot of people here, the press will say we have about 200 people,” as the audience laughed. “Tonight, we put aside all of the policy fights in Washington DC […]
Trump Cancels 800 Obama Regulations in ‘Most Far-Reaching Effort’ to Cut Red Tape
One of President Trump’s major promises during last year’s election was to roll back Obama-era regulations and red tape that makes it harder for American businesses to succeed. It appears the president is taking that promise seriously, as he swiftly canceled over 800 pending regulations that were set to be enacted after Obama approved them […]
Susan Rice on List of Witnesses to Testify in House Intel Probe
Susan Rice, who served as National Security Advisor under Barack Obama, has been propelled to the center of the allegations of spying for political purposes on Donald Trump’s campaign staff, and will now be finding herself questioned for her potential central role in this scandal. On Monday it was reported that Susan Rice was behind […]
Comey Called to White House After ‘Concerning Info’ Found by Intel Chief Nunes
House Intel Chairmen Devin Nunes caused a media storm earlier this week when he announced he was presented with evidence indicating extensive surveillance of Donald Trump’s transition team, and possibly Trump himself, which took place in the weeks following the 2016 election. On Wednesday, only days after FBI Director Comey told members of Congress that […]
Bob Woodward: Obama Could Face Criminal Charges for Trump Spying
Yesterday Bob Woodward, the Washington Post investigative journalist who did much of the reporting on the Watergate scandal, suggested Obama and his officials could face criminal charges for their role in “unmasking” the names of Trump’s transition team members in surveillance operations. Earlier in the day House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes told reporters that he […]
Trump Feels ‘Vindicated’ After Nunes Confirms Spying on Transition Team
Only days after FBI Director James Comey threw cold water on the President Trump’s wiretap allegations, House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes told reporters today that he has uncovered evidence of mass surveillance of Trump’s transition team, possibly including Trump himself, for a period of months after the election. Nunes announced that he has been presented […]
Malik Obama ‘Advised’ to Forget Barack After Kenya Birth Certificate Tweet
Malik Obama, the half-brother of prior president Barack Obama, made waves in his family during last year’s election when he openly threw his support behind then candidate Donald Trump. Since that time, Malik has used Twitter to both criticize Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, while at the same time spreading support for President Trump. Barack […]
Obama Spotted in Hawaii Minutes From Judge Who Blocked Trump Travel Ban
Only hours before President Trump’s revised travel ban on terror prone countries was set to take place, a federal judge in Hawaii issued a ruling which prohibits any state from enforcing the order, effectively dictating immigration policy for the entire country from a small island in the Pacific. Judge Derrick Kahala Watson on Wednesday ruled […]
Fox News: Obama Used British Spies to Wiretap Trump, Avoid ‘Fingerprints’
Yesterday the Department of Justice requested more time to gather evidence of the alleged wiretaps on Donald Trump’s communications during last year’s election. After Trump made a series of tweets claiming that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower for the purpose of gathering inside information to be used against him, lawmakers initiated an investigation into […]
Jeff Sessions Cleans House, Asks Remaining 46 Obama Attorneys to Resign
In a not so unprecedented move, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is requesting that the remaining 46 U.S. attorneys appointed under Obama issue their resignations “in order to ensure a uniform transition”. In other words, the Obama lawyers likely cannot be trusted to perform their duties under Trump’s administration and are being asked to resign from […]
Malik Obama Tweets Half Brother Barack’s Birth Certificate, Birthplace Kenya
Early this afternoon Malik Obama, a vocal supporter of Donald Trump currently living in Kenya, tweeted out a picture of what appears to be the birth certificate of his half brother Barack Obama. Malik previously caused a stir in the Obama family last year when he publicly proclaimed his support for then presidential candidate Donald […]
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