The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has once again triggered media frenzy over the contents of his tweets, as CNN and their media allies decry Trump’s latest message.
Early on Sunday President Trump re-tweeted a brief video that shows him body-slamming WWE president Vince McMahon several years ago, only in this clip MaMahon’s face is replaced by CNN’s logo. The punchline of this meme being that Trump was dominating CNN, especially after a string of Project Veritas undercover videos this week featured CNN’s own producers and journalists admitting their stories regarding Russian collusion are conjured up poorly for ratings.
#FraudNewsCNN #FNN pic.twitter.com/WYUnHjjUjg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017
Note that Trump used his official President of the United States’ twitter account, @POTUS, to re-tweet this video, meaning that it will be officially logged and recording in the national achieves. Perhaps someday, future generations will use this clip in a documentary explaining how the mainstream media of America became nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrats and globalists.
Mainstream media journalists and Democrats, who lack any notion of humor, responding in their typical over-the-top manners with all of the drama and fake outrage they could muster. Reporters from CNN described the video as the president “encouraging violence against reporters.”
“It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” CNN said in a statement responding to the tweet.
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ABC News’ chief political analyst Matthew Dowd claimed Trump is “advocating violence against media” and demanded Republican leaders “put country over party” in response to the fake video of fake wrestling.
“Around the world, journalists are murdered with impunity on a regular basis,” Poynter managing editor Ben Mullin gravely stated. “This isn’t funny.”
CNN commentator Ana Navarro called the tweet “an incitement to violence” in an appearance on ABC News. “He is going to get somebody killed in the media,” she claimed.
As the media personalities scream “violence”, not one of these journalists seemed to have minded when an actor portraying Donald Trump was mock-assassinated night after night during Shakespeare in the Park’s rendition of Julius Caesar. The play featured an actor dressed up as Donald Trump playing the role of Caesar, who was repeatedly stabbed as fake blood poured over his suit. The media barely made a sound when Kathy Griffin released a video showing her holding the decapitated head of President Trump, which eerily resembled videos of ISIS beheadings.
While the media feigns outrage and fear over Trump’s “violence”, they seem to forget that only weeks ago Republican lawmakers were victims of attempted assassination by a radical leftists, who was specifically targeting conservatives and was a huge fan of anti-Trump TV personalities.
CNN reporter and avid anti-Trumper Jim Acosta asked on Twitter, “Isn’t wrestling fake”, to which Donald Trump Jr. replied, “Yes, just like your coverage”. Like father, like son.
Yes, Jim, it’s fake. Just like your reporting and the rest of the mainstream media’s skewed stories on Trump, pushed out for the sole purpose of increasing ratings and therefore profits.
If that wasn’t enough for you, then here is another video that someone put together of Trump defeating CNN again in the wrestling ring.
I suspect CNN will have their hands full over the next few days, as thousands of Trump supporters create their own memes showing their network getting crushed in the wrestling ring.