After weeks of fundraising, unfounded accusations of hacking and a handful of lawsuits Jill Stein’s sole successful recount in Wisconsin has proven a bust, at least for her and Hillary Clinton who backed the efforts hoping to find a massive difference in her favor. A day before the deadline of December 13th when all votes […]
Finished: Federal Judge Rejects Jill Stein’s PA Recount Appeal
It appears Jill Stein’s recount efforts have finally unraveled, as moments ago a Pennsylvania judge rejected her appeal for a recount of the state’s ballots, only a day before the federal deadline of December 13th. Stein has thus far raised over $7.2 million for her recount efforts in the states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania […]
Judge Suspends Michigan Recount, No Evidence of Fraud or Hacking
After a chaotic past 4 days in which a federal judge demanded Jill Stein’s recount in Michigan to move forward on Monday, and a subsequent appellate court upholding his ruling, that same federal judge has tonight overturned his own ruling and suspended the state’s recount efforts. U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith first ruled on the […]
Michigan Appeals Court Denies Recount, Only to Uphold It Moments Later
On Tuesday evening the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion stating that Federal Judge Mark Goldsmith, who issued a ruling that approved the Michigan recount initiative to begin on Monday, came to a conclusion that the recount should not have been allowed to proceed. At first, the court determined that Judge Goldsmith […]
Jill Stein Files Federal Lawsuit to Force Pennsylvania Voter Recount
After announcing over the weekend that she was withdrawing her recount appeal in Pennsylvania, stating that the cost was too much for ordinary citizens to afford, Jill Stein has decided to file a federal case in attempt to force the state into a recount. As The Hill reports, Stein and her lawyer claim that the […]
Green Party’s Jill Stein Withdraws From Pennsylvania Recount Challenge
After being denied a statewide recount by courts in Pennsylvania, Jill Stein of the Green Party filed an appeal and was scheduled for a hearing on Monday, but now it appears she is backing down from that appeal due to the cost of the effort. CBS Pittsburgh reports that the Green party withdrew their recount […]
FLASH: Trump’s Lead Decreased by 22,000 Votes in PA Due to Absentee Ballots
As Jill Stein’s recount is currently underway in Wisconsin, and the process is moving forward in Michigan, vote totals in Pennsylvania have all of the sudden changed in Hillary Clinton’s favor as of yesterday. Although Stein’s recount efforts in Pennsylvania have been denied by the courts due to lack of any evidence that would indicate […]
Jill Stein Hits Roadblock for Voter Recount in PA, Misses Key Deadline
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein may have hit a serious roadblock in her recount efforts for Pennsylvania, as it’s being reported that she missed a key deadline. Stein has already filed for a recount in Wisconsin on Friday, which appears to be moving forward, but according to her fundraising initiative she intends to request […]
Donald Trump Releases Statement on Clinton Joining Stein’s Recount
With Hillary Clinton now officially joining the Stein recount effort, despite warning against not accepting election results being a “direct assault on democracy”, Donald Trump and his staff have released a statement addressing this issue. Although most media outlets are downplaying the recount as a lost cause, Jill Stein has effectively raised over $4.5 million […]
Clinton Joins Stein Recount, Betrays Own Warnings of ‘Not Accepting Election Results’
In what shouldn’t come as a surprise, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has announced that they will be joining the Jill Stein initiated recount of Wisconsin’s election results, as well as Michigan’s and Pennsylvania’s should they take places. The Stein/Clinton recount for Wisconsin will commence this coming week, as long as Jill pays the necessarily funds, which […]
Election Recount: Jill Stein to Officially File for Wisconsin Recount Today
In the past 48 hours we have seen Jill Stein of the Green party raise an alarming amount of money to launch a fundraising campaign for an election recount effort in 3 states won by Donald Trump. As I previously reported, in only 2 days Stein has raised over $5 million (out of a $7 […]
Jill Stein Raises $4.5 Million for Recount in 3 Key States That Trump Won…In Only 2 Days!
While most people were spending time with their families and friends, enjoying a scrumptious meal and trying to avoid talking politics, Jill Stein has been busy raising massive amounts of money in record time (for her anyways) in an effort to present legal cases for an election recount in 3 key swing states. Most of […]