Malik Obama, the half-brother of prior president Barack Obama, made waves in his family during last year’s election when he openly threw his support behind then candidate Donald Trump. Since that time, Malik has used Twitter to both criticize Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, while at the same time spreading support for President Trump.
Barack Obama’s half-brother made public his support for Donald Trump in July of last year, while at the same time criticizing Clinton’s failures as Secretary of State.
President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again — so he’s voting for Donald Trump.
“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”
Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his “deep disappointment” in his brother Barack’s administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to “the party of Lincoln.”
The last straw, he said, came earlier this month when FBI Director James Comey recommended not prosecuting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private e-mail servers while secretary of state.
“She should have known better as the custodian of classified information,” said Obama.
He’s also annoyed that Clinton and President Obama killed Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy, whom he called one of his best friends.
Shortly after Trump was inaugurated in January, Malik Obama took to Twitter to express his support for the president’s refugee ban.
We don’t lock our doors before bed because we hate people outside. We lock them because we love the people inside.
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) January 29, 2017
Malik also joined the #DumpStarWars movement after one of the movie’s writers took to twitter and compared Donald Trump’s movement to Star War’s evil Empire, also stating that they are a “white supremacist organization”.
Only a few weeks ago in early in March of this year Malik Obama tweeted a copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate, complete with his parent’s information and even a baby footprint, which quickly spread throughout social media.
Malik showed no signs of slowing down on his criticisms of his half-brother Barack, until this weekend when he sent a cryptic tweet saying, “I’ve been advised to forget about my so called brother and move on. I’ll take that advice folks.”
I’ve been advised to forget about my so called brother and move on. I’ll take that advice folks. #thebetterobama #thebestobama.
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) March 19, 2017
Now, only weeks after Malik tweeted an alleged copy of his half-brother Barack’s birth certification, showing a birthplace of Kenya, he has been “advised” to no longer focus on the prior president’s past or present. Malik Obama follows up with saying he’s inclined to take that advice, indicating that this command came from someone of importance, possibly in a threatening manner.
Given Malik’s penchant for boldly tweeting controversial details regarding his half-brother, as well as showing consistent support for Trump in the face of liberal backlash, it seems suspicious that he would all of the sudden decide to remain quiet unless he received some very strong “advice” or even a blatant threat.
Was Malik getting a little too close to the truth about Barack Obama’s real background? It seems like too much of a coincidence that only weeks after he sends a tweet refuting Barack’s birthplace, Malik is now being advised to forget about his half-brother. Advice that he seems inclined to take, indicating whoever delivered this demand was someone with significant influence.