The latest high-profile Democrat exposed as an abuser of women, and there have been many, is none other than New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman who happens to be overseeing frivolous investigations into Trump University and the Trump foundation among other attacks on the president.
Schneiderman joins the likes of other high-profile Democrats like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and Anthony Weiner as being a champion of feminist causes in public, yet in their private life they abuse, assault, threaten and degrade women on a regular basis.
This latest case is a prime example of how a member of the Democratic Party in good standing, idolized by the leftist as a champion of women’s rights and a key player in the all out assault against President Donald Trump is in reality nothing more than a vile abuser of women.
Yesterday, The New Yorker broke the story last night and reported on four women, two of whom chose to remain anonymous, detailed horrific stories of a man who verbally degraded them, mocked their careers, physically abused them and made threats on their very lives when they tried to leave him.
Manning Barish and Selvaratnam categorize the abuse he inflicted on them as “assault.” They did not report their allegations to the police at the time, but both say that they eventually sought medical attention after having been slapped hard across the ear and face, and also choked. Selvaratnam says that Schneiderman warned her he could have her followed and her phones tapped, and both say that he threatened to kill them if they broke up with him.
Manning Barish says that Schneiderman often mocked her political activism. When she told him of her plan to attend an anti-gun demonstration with various political figures and a group of parents from Sandy Hook Elementary School, he dismissed the effort, calling the demonstrators “losers.” He added, “Go ahead, if it makes you feel better to do your little political things.” When she was using her computer, he’d sometimes say, “Oh, look at little Mimi. So cute—she’s working!” He told Manning Barish that, because she had childcare, she wasn’t “a real single mother.”
Irony abounds, as the mainstream media and Democrats are constantly trying to brand Donald Trump as a womanizer when their own champions of women’s rights are found to be some of the most vile, biggest abusers of women in the country.
Schneiderman’s abuse of women didn’t stop at physically harming them, but he appears to also have enjoyed verbally demeaning them to the point he demanded a minority girlfriend of his call him “Master”.
When Schneiderman was violent, he often made sexual demands. “He was obsessed with having a threesome, and said it was my job to find a woman,” she says. “He said he’d have nothing to look forward to if I didn’t, and would hit me until I agreed.” (She had no intention of having a threesome.) She recalls, “Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did.” Selvaratnam, who was born in Sri Lanka, has dark skin, and she recalls that “he started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’ ”
To think, such a champion of the #MeToo movement and vocal supporter of minorities demands that an Asian women called him “Master” and even referred to her as “his brown slave”.
For a man who once stated at a pro-women’s rights rally that, “A woman who cannot control her own body is not truly free,” his actions only prove what a colossal fraud Schneiderman really is. It’s important Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats who have since been exposed as woman abusers regularly made similar statements in support of women, while abusing them in their private lives, and only joined such pro-women movements to capitalize on the political benefits. It’s almost as if the entire social justice movement championed by high-profile Democrats is nothing more than a phony act in an effort to maintain and grow their own power.
Hypocrisy knows no bounds when it comes to politicians, yet it seems particularly deep when it comes to so-called Democratic champions of social justice, racial and feminist causes.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the women stated that she remained silent in regards to Schneiderman’s abuse of her because of the “good things” he was doing in the pursuit of furthering progressive causes.
Given the woman’s prominence in the legal sphere, Schneiderman’s actions had exposed him to tremendous risk. Yet she took no official action against him. “Now that I know it’s part of a pattern, I think, God, I should have reported it,” she says. “But, back then, I believed that it was a one-time incident. And I thought, He’s a good attorney general, he’s doing good things. I didn’t want to jeopardize that.” She notes that he did not hit her again, after she protested. Nevertheless, she says of the assault, “I knew it was wrong,” adding, “Our top law officer, this guy with a platform for women’s rights, just smacked away so much of what I thought he stood for.”
It’s important to note that everyone should be considered innocent until proven guilty when faced with accusations of this manner, yet considering Schneiderman resigned from his position as Attorney General in almost record time (only 3 hours) after this story broke, this action does not paint a picture of a completely innocent man being maligned unfairly.
Since the anti-Trump leftist were apparently worried that Schneiderman’s departure would someone aid Trump in his legal battles, CNN released a story titled “The shocking downfall of Eric Schneiderman won’t help Trump for long”, knowing that their audience is composed of a large amount of anti-Trump leftists whose hatred of the man must be fed on a daily basis and their fantasies of removing the president from office indulged.
I have often related the fierce support of social justice causes by leftist as more akin to upholding a religious belief than pursuing a political cause. Many times in the past year we have seen leftist willing to forgo the values they are supposedly striving to uphold in the favor of furthering progressivism or, more recently, an attack on Donald Trump. In fact, they will often throw feminism and social justice causes to the wind if it means harming Trump’s reputation or furthering attacks against him for the purpose of either making the president more unpopular, inhibiting his America First agenda or even attempting to oust him from office.
The every-growing list of high-profile Democrats and champions of women’s rights only proves that many of those who are most respected in their political party are only wearing a mask to disguise themselves for the purpose of political gain, simply saying the words they know their supporters wants to hear in order to shield them from consequences of their own abusive actions.
Ultimately, Schneiderman’s alleged actions prove a larger point than simply “appearances can be deceiving”. It shows how easily a would-be politician can decide to adopt a progressive/feminist platform, make public statements in support of such causes, yet not believing in a single one of the very policies they claim to champion. Schneiderman, like many other leftist politicians, appears to have simply wanted to ride the progressive platform to a high-profile position as the Attorney General of New York, knowing that in order to succeed in that state he would have to don the mantel of a staunch liberal.
It’s easy for politicians to give fancy, carefully prepared speech to woo a crowd of fervent liberals, yet behind the scenes they could prove to be an absolute monster, abusing and degrading women at will, which only proves their own weakness, insecurity and lack of self-confidence as no man who is confident in himself would feel the need to abuse and degrade women as Schneiderman is accused of.

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