Various left-wing, liberal and anti-Trump groups are getting ready for a long day of protests at state capitols around the country tomorrow in a final push to convince electors to cast their vote for anyone but who the voters chose in their state, which is Donald Trump.
In the weeks since Trump’s victory over Clinton, anti-Trump forces have rallied in an attempt to convince at least 37 Trump electors to change their votes on December 19th, which would put his electoral count below the 270 required to win. This would cause the House of Representatives to choose our next president from the three candidates who achieved the most votes.
Calling themselves the “Hamilton Electors“, they had initiated wide scale efforts to intimidate electors including massive advertising campaign, harassing phone calls and letters containing death threats.
Here are just a few of the headlines to illustrate what Trump electors are being forced to endure, for no other reason than performing their sworn duty to uphold the will of the voters in their respective states.
- Hamilton Electors Launch Ad Offensive Against Trump, Brand Him ‘Russian Stooge’
- Petition to Remove Faithless Texas Elector Chris Suprun Who Refuses to Vote Trump
- Faithless Republican Elector in Texas Refuses to Vote for Donald Trump
- Democrats Try to Get Electors to Change Votes to Hillary Clinton, Texas Responds
According to reports only a single Trump elector, Chris Suprun of Texas, has publicly announced his intention to become a “faithless elector” and cast his vote for someone other than Trump.
True to any leftist cause, the protesters are not accepting their defeat like adults and have planned a series of disruptive events at state capitals to try and prevent Trump electors from entering the building and officially cast their votes.
One of these anti-Trump groups has organized “candlelight vigils” in D.C. and at state capitals using the rallying cry “Send it to the House” and the Twitter hashtag #sendittothehouse. Although the group, who calls themselves Unite for America, is giving out free candles for these vigils, according to their Facebook page, the pictures are a far cry from the image you would think of when you hear the word vigil.
The group has even posted a video on their Facebook page titled “Electors are the Refs”, implying that if the American voters choose a candidate that the left does not approve of, then an unelected group of 538 electors can freely override their choice.
Here are just a few of the stories regarding the elector protests planned for tomorrow as well as the various leftist groups organizing them. I can’t help but wonder, who could be funding (George Soros) these nationwide rallies, their websites and the staff needed to organize them?
In Austin, Texas, multiple anti-Trump organizations are planning demonstrations and protests in a last ditch effort to try and flip votes.
Hoping for an Electoral College Miracle, Capitol demos planned for Monday EC voting session
The Texas State Capitol will be awash with rallies Monday when the state’s 38 representatives of the Electoral College arrive in town to cast their votes for the country’s 45th president. At least a half dozen demonstrations are planned for the Capitol grounds on Sunday (Dec. 18) and Monday (Dec. 19) in anticipation of the vote.
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a grassroots organization working to strengthen progressive power in politics and economics, has decided to help fund the protests after surveying their one million members, 50,000 of whom call Texas home. The committee said that 91% of its membership “overwhelmingly agreed” with the decision to fund the rallies, though the amount of money funneled into Monday’s demonstrations has not yet been released, according to PCCC Press Secretary Kait Sweeney.
“The majority want to use these protests to remind the public that [Donald] Trump lost the popular vote,” Sweeney wrote in an email. “As the largest national group to get involved, we’re providing significant support, engagement, fundraising, and other resources for the protests.” In their planning efforts, PCCC has collaborated with other coalitions including Democracy Spring, Americans Take Action, Hamilton Electors, and Daniel Brezenoff, founder of a Change.org petition that asks Electors to “protect the Constitution,” and “support the national popular vote winner.”
In Atlanta, Georgia, protesters are also gearing up to hit the streets in a state that Donald Trump won handily.
Anti-Trump forces plan to protest Electoral College vote in Atlanta
Opponents of Donald Trump are planning to protest in Atlanta and 49 other state capitals on Monday in a long-shot bid to convince enough electors to defy the Republican when members of the Electoral College formally cast their ballots for president.
The organizers of the Dec. 19 protests are taking aim at the Electoral College voters who are charged with formally electing presidents during post-election meetings in statehouses. They argue that Hillary Clinton’s victory in the popular vote – she leads Trump by more than 2.8 million votes – should make the Democrat president.
“The electors have both the Constitutional right and the moral responsibility to stop Trump,” said Daniel Brezenoff, whose petition urging electors to dump Trump attracted more than 5 million signatures. “He lost the popular vote and he should lose on December 19 at the Electoral College.”
Georgia’s 16 GOP electors are all but guaranteed to vote for Trump — each reached by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution said they would support him — and their ranks are filled with the stalwart party activists who spend much of their free time fighting for Republican causes.
Several leftist protest groups are even gathering in the capitol in Maine, a state where Donald Trump only won a single electoral vote out of the state’s total of four. I would hate to be that single elector tomorrow, who will likely be easily picked out.
Protesters, Trump supporters Converging on Augusta for Electoral College Vote
Usually a mundane formality, this year’s Electoral College voting at the Maine State House will attract dueling demonstrations from supporters and critics of Republican President-elect Donald Trump.
Maine’s four Electoral College electors will meet on the floor of the Maine House of Representatives at 2 p.m. Monday to cast their ballots, with three of them set to vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and one to vote for Trump.
While the vote takes place, one group will protest outside the State House in hopes of swaying the fourth elector away from Trump. The December 19 Coalition – a network that includes Democracy Spring, Americans Take Action, the Electoral College Petition and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee – is trying to organize similar events in all 50 states. Because Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, they argue the Electoral College should reject Trump in her favor.
“We are there to protest this one vote being cast for Donald Trump because we think he is so dangerous for all of mankind,” said Sara Moscoso, a Swanville resident and one of the local organizers for Showing Up for Racial Justice of the Mid-Coast.
The irony of these protests is that they aren’t so much fighting against Donald Trump, but rather are assaulting the democratic process that they would be praising if it ended up in Hillary Clinton’s favor. Rather than organizing and reflecting on WHY their candidate lost the election they are only asking HOW can we stop the person who we didn’t want to win. This is the very essence of the sore loser, snowflake and safe space mentality of today’s liberals.
If the Democratic party continues to embrace this behavior and does not do a drastic self examination of their policies, I expect Trump will have no problems emerging victorious again in 4 years as he runs for his second term…which I have absolutely no problem with.