Shortly after the release of the House Intel Committee’s 4-page memo that outlined serious misconduct on the part of FBI/DOJ officials when obtaining a FISA warrant to spy on a member of Trump’s campaign staff in 2016, Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) released a shocking statement claiming that he will criminal charges against the officials engaged in misconduct as outlined in the memo.
Gosar said in his statement that he will send a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeking criminal prosecutions for the FBI/DOJ officials outlined in the memo for abuse of the FISA court system including James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and existing Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
The congressman also branded these officials as “traitors to our nation” and their abuse of the FISA court in order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign “is not just evidence of incompetence but clear and convincing evidence of treason”.
Interestingly, Sally Yates the former DOJ attorney who was a holdover from the Obama administration and served briefly under Trump. She was subsequently fired when she refused to enforce President Trump’s executive order placing a temporary ban on immigration from terror prone countries.
She was also the recipient of an email from a prominent attorney currently serving on Mueller’s special counsel congratulating her for her refusal to follow Trump’s orders, which shows just how deep the anti-Trump sentiments are in the “deep state” establishment.
Gosar also compared the FBI’s and DOJ’s abuse of the FISA court to the type of behavior you’d expect to see in third-world dictatorships, not America. “This is third world politics where the official government agencies are used as campaign attack dogs,” Gosar said.
My full statement on the declassified memo: pic.twitter.com/eRo6ugpWQ9
— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) February 2, 2018
Rep. Paul Gosar’s full statement is as follows:
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence memorandum on the FBI abuse of FISA warrants and targeting a sitting President is not just evidence of incompetence but clear and convincing evidence of treason.
The FBI knowingly took false information from the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign and then used it to smear Donald Trump in order to hurt his campaign.
This is third world politics where the official government agencies are used as campaign attack dogs.
The full throated adoption of this illegal misconduct and abuse of FISA by James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein is not just criminal but constitutes treason. I will be leading a letter to the Attorney General seeking criminal prosecution against these traitors to our nation.
Finally. Let me say this to those members of Congress who fought so hard to keep the truth from the American public. Your efforts to protect a corrupt organization are duly noted. I am not surprised Sen. Flake has again cast his lot with the Democrats and those that attack true patriots. Good riddance.
Gosar appears to be one of the few members of Congress willing to take a stand against the “swamp” currently infecting America’s government institutions, which should be a breath of fresh air to any conservative who has become sick of Republicans submitting and groveling to the Democrats in fear of negative media coverage. At very least, Gosar deserves credit for his willingness to call out the traitors within the government, including sitting Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who ironically formed the special counsel to investigate “Russian collusion” and appointed close associate Robert Mueller to lead it.
Sadly, it appears that Gosar’s desire for truth and justice along with his bold words will fall upon deaf ears, as Attorney General Jeff Sessions defending the actions of the FBI/DOJ as revealed in the memo as simply, “no department is perfect” and then followed by praising Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as “the kind of quality and leadership that we want in the department”, despite the fact that Rosenstein himself signed off on the renewals of the FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s campaign.
As the memo showing Rosenstein’s role in signing FISA applications based on faulty evidence was released this morning, Jeff Sessions said that he represents “the kind of quality and leadership that we want in the department.”
— William Craddick (@williamcraddick) February 2, 2018
Not only has Sessions consistently defended any and all government officials against allegations of corruption since becoming Attorney General, but he has also rebuked persistent calls for a second special counsel to be appointed to investigate FBI/DOJ misconduct under the Obama administration and beyond.
For all intents and purposes, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume Rob Rosenstein may as well be running the Justice Department, with Jeff Sessions deferring to him on all matters of consequence. It appears that Sessions thinks so highly of each and every government official that, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, are in his eyes the most trustworthy, honest and law abiding human beings to ever grace this earth. Sessions appears to believe that no government official can ever be found guilty of anything, which unfortunately will only enable corrupt bureaucrats to continue their misconduct free of consequences.
Conversely, Sessions could simply be protecting his government institutions, which he has been a part of for many years, fearful that the American public will lose faith in them. However, the more revelations that come out revealing such corruption without consequences will only lead the American people to further lose faith in not only the government, but those in the DOJ who were appointed to uphold the law equally and honestly.
It’s far better to bring all the corruption to light and prosecute those responsible, than it is to continue sweeping it under the carpet and allow future officials to break the law without consequence. Perhaps Sessions is as honorable as he believes himself, and only time will tell, but if you were to base your assessment of his performance thus far on only his words and actions, then it appears he may be just as much a part of the DC swamp as those taking part in misconduct, illegal activities and mass corruption. Complicity is just as dangerous as the illegal actions taking place within our government institutions.

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