As the media continues their relentless criticism of Donald Trump Jr. for daring to meet to a Russian lawyer regarding the possible misdeeds of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s show last night to set the record straight.
Earlier that day Trump Jr. released copies of the email chain between himself and Rob Goldstone, a publicist in the music industry who was responsible for setting up the meeting with a Russian lawyer named Natalia Veselnitskaya.
Fox News covered the interview, which included Trump Jr. admitting he “probably would have done things differently” in retrospect.
Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged in an exclusive interview with Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday night that he “probably would have done things a little differently” when he met with a Russian attorney during his father’s presidential campaign in June 2016.
“This [was] pre-Russia fever. This [was] pre-Russia mania,” Trump Jr. told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “I don’t think my sirens went [off] or my antenna went up at this time because it wasn’t the issue that it’s been made out to be over the last nine months, ten months.”
However, the president’s eldest son also described the meeting as “a nothing,” adding, “I wouldn’t have even remembered it until you started scouring through this stuff. It was literally just a wasted 20 minutes, which was a shame.”
In reality, Trump Jr. had no way of knowing that the media and Democrats would be gripped by “Russian fever” only weeks after his father won the presidential election. Regardless, Trump Jr. made a wise move in disarming the media by releasing the email chain himself, essentially preventing the New York Times from pushing scandalous headlines and garnishing clicks by publishing the “leaked emails” themselves, which is exactly what would have happened had he not released them himself.
Watch Donald Trump Junior’s full interview with Sean Hannity below:
Oddly enough, in a move that caught the attention of the Twitter yesterday, Wikileaks appeared to promote Trump’s Jr’s interview with Sean Hannity by sending out a tweet about it, which was a unique move by the organization.
.@DonaldJTrumpJr interviewed by @SeanHannity in 30 minutes over those Russian lawyer meeting emails
Livestream:https://t.co/jcH3K40jh3— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 12, 2017