Fox New’s Tucker Carlson has made quite a name for himself as a hard hitting conservative journalist of late, especially with his recent move to Megan Kelly’s time slot after her departure from the network, and has a reputation for taking on hardcore liberal advocates on his show.
Carlson’s latest takedown involved a self proclaimed “media watchdog”, Erik Wemple, from the Washington Post as Tucker grills him on his claims of “unbiased” reporting and pushing the narrative of Trump/Russia connections.
“The Washington Post for many years has literally carried paid propaganda for the Russian government, a section called Russia Behind the Headlines, it looks like news print and is designed to fool readers into thinking it’s real, but it’s pure propaganda paid for and distributed by the Russian government with stories like, We’re Doing a Great Job in Crimea. Why have you never written about that?”
What Tucker is referring to is Washington Post’s, along with many other mainstream media websites, carrying native advertising that is funded by Russian interests and promotes narratives that support the Russian governments actions around the world. The media networks make money from these types of advertisements and seem happy to accept that they are helping to spread the Kremlin’s propaganda, for a price of course.
Tucker Carlson asks why Wemple never criticized his own paper, The Washington Post, yet blasted Politico for the same use of native advertising attempting to trick readers into clicking the links, making them look like news stories written by the Post.
He went on to point out that Wemple, a proclaimed “watchdog” for media bias and hypocrisy, has attacked other publications for utilizing native advertising from foreign governments, while turning a blind eye to the same practice being employed by the Post as a tactic to trick their readers into clicking on the sponsored stories.
Carlson also provided examples of the Post putting forth blatantly fabricated or dishonest stories regarding alleged incidents within Trump administration, such as the “Russia hacked the U.S. Power Grid” story that later turned out to be false.
Wimple starts stuttering, backpeddling and looks like he’s on the brink of tears at Tucker Carlson’s relentless onslaught and pointing out the Washington Post’s blatant hypocrisy in their accusations regarding Trump/Russia connections.
Tucker Carlson’s popularity continues to rise and in late January he almost doubled Megan Kelly’s previous ratings in the same time slot on Fox News.
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