FBI Director Christopher Wray held a press conference following the release of the long-anticipated Inspector General’s report, which outlined a series of embarrassing text messages sent by FBI agents and FBI attorneys indicating an alarming level of political bias against President Donald Trump. Despite the Inspector General claiming that they found “no political bias” on […]
Top 5 Bombshells in IG Report Showing Massive Collusion Against Trump During 2016 Election
The long awaited Inspector General’s report has been made public and reveals a series of embarrassments on the part of the FBI ranging from text messages insulting Trump voters, conspiring to interfere in the 2016 election against Trump and even outlines how numerous FBI agents leaked sensitive information to the press in exchange for “benefits” […]
Democrat Temper Tantrum Peaks as DNC Sues Russia, Trump and Wikileaks Over Election Loss
It’s been well over a year since Donald Trump stunned the world by winning the presidential election, yet for the Democrats it appears the loss of their prized candidate Hillary Clinton may as well have been yesterday, as their political leaders still refuse to accept that a massive amount of American voters rejected her and […]
Assange Vows to Prove Russia Not Source of DNC Leaks, Will Give Proof Directly to Trump
Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, made headlines today after he met with California Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) for more than three hours at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. During this meeting, Assange promised to provide proof that Russia was not the source of the DNC leaked emails, vowing to provide more helpful information in the […]
Democrats Shocked at Number of Voters Canceling Registration After Trump Probe
Colorado has chosen to cooperate with President Trump’s investigation into voter fraud and are in the process of turning over the state’s voter information databases, but it appears this probe is causing some voters to rethink their ability to vote in future elections. The Denver Post reported on Friday that thousands of Colorado voters have […]
12 Democrat Operatives Charged Over Fake Voter Registrations in Indiana
Although Democrats are always quick to downplay instances of voter fraud, at least when it comes to their own operations, twelve employees of a Democrat-aligned group have been charged with submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications during last year’s presidential election. In Indianapolis, prosecutors charged 11 temporary employees and the supervisor of Indiana Voter […]
POLL: 73% of Voters Want Democrats to Start Working With Trump
If you were to watch the mainstream media networks, or listen to the anti-Trump protesters, you would be under the impression that the country wants the Democrats in Congress to fight tooth and nail against the president’s agenda, but a new poll shows just the opposite. The latest poll conducted by Harvard-Harris (a notoriously left […]
Donald Trump on Russian Hacking Report: No Impact on Outcome of Election
On Friday morning Donald Trump was briefed by members of the intelligence community as they reviewed their findings regarding the DNC and Podesta email hacks that took place during the election. Ahead of the over 50-page intelligence briefing Trump described the frenzy over Russian hackers as a “political witch hunt,” and that politics is too […]
Celebrities Claim Trump Inciting Hate Crimes, But Neglect Hate Crimes Against Trump Voters
More celebrities are hoping to influence politics in order to diminish Donald Trump’s agenda as they attempt to convince both voters and Congress to fight every one of his policies. In their latest video, these aging celebrities are demanding that Congress block Trump’s cabinet picks as they believe they will “threaten” the rights of minorities […]
Julian Assange: Russian Government is NOT the Source of DNC or Podesta Hacks
In an interview set to air on the Sean Hannity Show Tuesday night, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange once again seeks to clear up the allegations that Russia was directly responsible for hacking the DNC and John Podesta’s email servers during last year’s election. Every mainstream media outlet from the Washington Post to the New York […]
A Merry Trump Christmas to All, And to All a Great Next 4 Years
A common phrase among supporters of Donald Trump since the election has been “Christmas came early” in the form of a victory for the silent majority the likes we haven’t seen a generation, but the greatest gifts for our country are yet to come. Voters from all party affiliations, backgrounds and beliefs came together for […]
Trump Breaks Record for Most Republican Popular Votes in a Presidential Election
History was made on election day in more ways than one, but not by Hillary Clinton who hoped to become the first female president of the United States. Donald Trump has broken several records since he announced his candidacy back in 2015, but his first achievement was winning the Republican primaries with the most votes […]
Hillary Clinton Makes History for Most Faithless Electors in 100 Years!
Millions of Hillary Clinton voters watched with anticipation as the polls closed on election night, convinced that they were about to make history and elect the first woman president of the United States, and although it didn’t quiet work out they way they expected, Clinton still has been part of a truly historic event. Supporters […]
NEVER GETS OLD: Liberal Media Meltdowns After Trump Wins Election
Although its been over a month now since Donald Trump shocked the mainstream media, Democrats and Hillary Clinton herself by winning the election, liberal pundits are still in a state of shock over their party’s massive failure. You most likely saw a number of video compilations of liberal’s breaking down when Trump was announced as […]
Donald Trump Blasts Bill Clinton for ‘Angry White Men’ Comment
It seems there’s still some bitterness over the election for the Clintons, as yesterday it was revealed in an interview with a local newspaper that Bill Clinton made some drastic implications as to why he believes President-elect Donald Trump really defeated his wife. Yesterday, Politico reported that Bill Clinton spoke to a local paper in […]
Trump Wins Again, Hillary Loses Elector to Indian Chief ‘Faith Spotted Eagle’
Despite the furious cries from anti-Trump protesters calling for electors to abandon their state pledges and deny Trump enough electoral votes to drop his total to below 270, the voting today went on without serious deviation from the final totals. Small gatherings of protesters gathered outside state capitols where the electors were set to cast […]
Crazy Woman Snaps at Wisconsin Electors After Trump Vote, ‘You sold out our Country!’
The electoral college met in each state capitol today to cast their votes for their respective candidates, and the process mostly went by without an issue, despite efforts by anti-Trump groups to flip electors. Donald Trump won the battle against the protesters, again, as he ended up with a final count of 304, only 2 […]
WATCH: Live Stream of Electoral College Voting Coverage by State
Live coverage has already started for a historic day in which the electoral college officially casts their votes for their state’s respective winning candidates. Although there has been a concerted effort by the “Hamilton Electors“, and anti-Trump group dedicated to convincing Trump electors to vote for someone besides him, so far only one elector had […]
Anti-Trump Protests Planned at State Capitals to Block Trump Electors From Voting
Various left-wing, liberal and anti-Trump groups are getting ready for a long day of protests at state capitols around the country tomorrow in a final push to convince electors to cast their vote for anyone but who the voters chose in their state, which is Donald Trump. In the weeks since Trump’s victory over Clinton, […]
Russian Hacker Narrative Imploding, 59% Don’t Believe They Impacted Election
The mainstream media is continuing their crusade to delegitimize Donald Trump’s historic victory last month by pushing ever more fantastical theories about Russian hackers hijacking the election in his favor. You would think that the media would take a step back and do some serious reflecting on their behaviors after reporters, pundits and pollsters were […]
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