The latest batch of text messages between FBI employees Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page have been made public and portray a shocking level of political bias, disregard for the law and just how superior to the average American these two fine liberals considered themselves.
The entire text message release can be downloaded in PDF format here, but below are some of the most shocking and revealing exchanges between Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page.
The text messages labeled “OUTBOX” are those belonging to Lisa Page and “INBOX” are those from Peter Strzok.
1) One exchange between Strzok and Page, the two start commenting on one of Trump and Clinton’s presidential debates, stating that Hillary Clinton is “already boring” and “100% produced” before switching to iMessage to conceal the rest of their conversation.
OUTBOX: “Man, I should have started drinking earlier. I’m genuinely stressed about the debate.”
OUTBOX: “Oh god, she’s already boring.”
INBOX: “I know. 100% produced. And I REALLY don’t think she’s that bad. She just can’t escape the formula…
OUTBOX: She can’t. Can you imsg instead?”
It appears even Hillary’s hardcore supporters recognize the fact that as a politician she was stale, out of touch and nothing more than a carefully produced candidate complied from polling data and focus groups. It’s interesting that the two switched to iMessage in order to conceal their conversation when speaking poorly about Hillary Clinton, as if they assumed she would become president and were fearful of retribution someday.
2) Strzok and Page also discuss an article about a student in Texas who revealed they were an illegal immigrant and received a fully paid scholarship to an ivy league school, and how they were angry at the reaction from people in Texas who were angry that an illegal immigrant received special treatment over teens who are American citizens.
‘You’ve got to read the article I sent. I’m infuriated. I f‐ing hate people.’
‘I started. And while i hate Trump, part of me thought would not/may not get into because they’re white and not from buttf*ck Texas’
This should tell you exactly what Strzok and Page, in addition to many other liberals, think about conservatives or anyone from a red state such as Texas.
3) For a glimpse into the hypocrisy of these two fine FBI agents, the following exchange shows them openly discussing an article in the New York Post regarding FBI employees ready to revolt against Director Comey for his handling of the Clinton email investigation. “D” in the message refers to “Director” Comey and “MY” is short for “Mid Year Exam”, which was the term the FBI used to refer to the Clinton investigation. [Page 55]
“Yeah and I made the mistake of reading some stupid NY Post article about how agents are ready to revolt against D because of MY…now, I’m really angry”
Followed by:
“There are a bunch of really ignorant people out there blinded by their politics”
Blinded by politics? Seriously? Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who both work for the FBI and have been shown to be hopelessly consumed with hating Trump and conservatives, who they call “ignorant hillbillies”, are upset because they feel anyone unsatisfied with Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case are “blinded by their politics”.
Just as with most leftists, Strzok and Page feel that anyone who disagrees with liberal politics must be blinded and ignorant, as only leftists have a true sense of the world and only they are intelligent enough to make important decisions.
4) To add a bit of humor to an otherwise disturbingly partisan string of communications between FBI employees, even the “deep state” acknowledges that Mitch McConnell indeed resembles a turtle.
“Mitch McConnell always reminds me of a turtle”
Perhaps this is the only point that conservatives agree with throughout these thousands of text messages.
5) In the next exchange, Peter Strzok (who was intimately involved in the Clinton email case) was discussing his concern that some of the emails on Hillary’s private server were clearly marked classified with a (C) mark, which would prove Hillary a liar when she stated she “never sent or received anything marked classified”.
Recall that after it was discovered Hillary Clinton did indeed have classified materials on her private email server, her explanation was that she didn’t know that ‘C’ meant classified, which apparently in the FBI’s view exempts a person from all crimes…as long as you’re a powerful wealthy politician running for the presidency at least.
INBOX ****Also, remind me to tell you to flag for Andy emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this, willing to bet they will tell George
OUTBOX Found on the laptops?
INBOX No. Found on the 30k provided to State originally.
INBOX No one noticed. And while minor, it cuts against “I never send or received anything marked classified”
OUTBOX So why would they tell George?
INBOX Which may or may not be a big deal, but it is notable. Easier to explain on Lync or in person. \n\nI will put on bullets tonight, which I am sending to you
INBOX Because they’re worried, holy cow, if the fbi missed this, what else was missed?
INBOX Which I get, because I had the same worry. \n\n And they like snitching to George
INBOX Just dropped off your uco print job \U0001f636
OUTBOX Oh jesus. Have something to tell you. Will call after wrap.
INBOX You know how to get my attention/interest. \U0001f60a
OUTBOX Yeah, well this will.
INBOX Tease….;)
INBOX Get us a clue…
INBOX Oh boy
OUTBOX Correct.
INBOX Do I need to back off what I told just now based on our lunch line convo?
INBOX I told him I had to get confirmation from 7th floor. ..
The final text messages references getting confirmation from the “7th floor”. For those who may be unaware, the 7th floor of the State Department has long been considered to be the center of a “shadow government”, where the highest ranking officials of the State Department work each day. For more details involving the 7th floor, see the article “The State Department’s ‘shadow government” published by The New York Post.
Their concern with people “snitching to George” about the classified emails on Clinton’s server appears to be a reference to George Toscas, Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Obama administration at the time, who likely knew the investigation was bogus and voiced his objections to covering for Hillary Clinton.
Besides the obvious reference to a deep state power structure on the 7th floor of the State Department, the above exchange is yet more proof that the FBI’s investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of classified materials was hopelessly bias in her favor from the beginning, with agents who appear to be more concerned with protecting and covering for Hillary than investigating actual crimes.
6) Another example of Strzok and Page injecting politics into the Clinton investigation and corrupting it beyond all repair, they discuss trying to prevent David M. Hardy, who was serving as the Chief of Records at the FBI during the Clinton investigation, from getting subpoenaed in court.
INBOX: “Do we prevent Hardy from being subpoenaed?”
OUTBOX: “I don’t know. But he’ll be okay … ”
INBOX: “Maybe”
7) For even more examples of just how superior Strzok and Page consider themselves when compared to the average American, the below exchange shows them mocking Trump supporters at a Walmart in southern Virginia.
INBOX: “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. l could SMELL the Trump support.”
OUTBOX: “Yup. Out to lunch with [REDACTED] We both hate everyone and everything.”
INBOX: “I want to be there and hate with you, or charm you back to happy. Looked for the two trump yard signs I saw on the way out to take a picture, but couldn’t see them.”
Notice how the two revel in each other’s hate, as if each person feeds on the other’s hatred of Donald Trump and the conservatives who support him. Yup, no political bias here. Remember, Strzok was not only involved initially in launching the Russian collusion investigation against Trump, but also oversaw key elements of the Hillary Clinton email server case, which would indicate his political bias was injected into both scenarios, skewing the results of both investigations in the favor of Democrats and liberals.
8) Even during the 2016 election, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page expressed their full commitment to Hillary Clinton winning the presidency, but are nervous about Trump, believing that the supporters of Bernie Sanders could “make a very big mistake”. This is an obvious reference to the anger felt by Bernie Sanders supporters at the fact that the DNC had already chosen Hillary as their candidate and showed a clear bias towards her, while trying to hamper Sander’s efforts, as was revealed by the DNC Wikileaks emails.
“Yeah, it is pretty cool. She just has to win now. I’m not going ta lie, I got a flash of nervousness yesterday about trump. The sandemistas have the potential to make a very big mistake here …”
9) It appears their nervousness was well-founded, as enough of Sander’s supporters either did not vote for Hillary Clinton while some in fact cast their votes for Donald Trump, which no doubt played a role in his victory.
For an added bonus, Peter Strzok flat out calls out “stupid *ss Bernie supporters” and calls them “idiots”, to which Lisa Page agrees followed by Strzok expressing he “really likes” Joe Biden.
“Stupid*ss Bernie supporters shouting no more war so that he couldn’t be heard hardly at all. I’m sorry, they’re idiots.”
Nothing about this should surprise anyone considering the way that hardcore leftists think, which is largely the same and uniform amongst all leftist, as anyone who deviates from the leftist playbook is quickly browbeaten into submission or exiled from their cult…and make no mistake, the most dedicated of leftists lead a life akin to a very real cult or religion where anyone who disagrees with them politically is guilty of blasphemy, deserving of punishment equal to the severity of their “wrongthink”.
10) It also appears that leftists such as Strzok and Page within the deep state have no love for Black Lives Matters, as they openly mock them during an exchange.
And meanwhile, we have Black Lives Matter protesters, right now chanting “No Justice no peace” around the DOJ and the White House…”
“That’s awful”
Overall, throughout their many exchanges both Peter Strzok and Lisa Page repeatedly demonstrate their contempt for average Americans, their disregard for the law and how they consider themselves superior to anyone not within their immediate political orbit. They, along with other elements at the highest levels of the FBI, appear to meet and discuss strategies to protect Hillary Clinton from prosecution during the e-mail case, while later on discussing a “secret society” to oust Donald Trump from office. Both seem to think that they are so much smarter than everyone outside of Washington DC politics that only they can “save America” and if the voters disagree, then it’s up to elements within the “deep state” to correct their mistakes.
The most disturbing point to consider is, these are only two agents in the FBI who were involved in the Clinton email and Russian collusion case who have been exposed as corrupt, hopelessly partisan and unable to administer the law fairly. The question is, how many more within the government are just like Strzok and Page, holding so much contempt for Donald Trump that they will lie, conspire and circumvent the law in order to damage and ultimately remove the president?

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