On Wednesday, conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh unloaded on Democrats, pointing out their unhinged statements and frantic calls-to-action in the face of Donald Trump’s “America First” administration. Rush said never in 66 years has he seen such unhinged, hateful behavior coming out of the left, as he showed rare expressions of genuine shock at recent events.
Although the Democrats and anti-Trump fanatics have been spewing plenty of hate since the election, which is only exasperated by the anti-Trump media bias, but the recent firing of FBI Director James Comey has sent them into an absolute frenzy.
Rush Limbaugh notes that in order for the Democrats to continue exhibiting this level of intense rage, they must continue the “Russians stole the election” narrative. It is the only story they have to hide their failures and those of Hillary Clinton.
It’s important to realize that after months of investigation, there is still absolutely no evidence that the Russians had any impact whatsoever on the election. The result of the election would have been the same, with Donald Trump proving victorious.
Limbaugh describes how the Democrats and their media allies are “sick” and how in his 66-years of life has never seen this level of “unhinged behavior”.
This has gone beyond mere political posturing. These people on the left — led by the media and the Democrat Party and the political apparatus — I’m telling you, are sick. I have never seen… I wasn’t thinking about it last night. I’m 66 years old. I have been following politics honestly since I was 10. I’m not kidding. I have seen unhinged behavior. I have seen the wild allegations that Democrats make and repeated. I have never seen this degree of collective insanity. I have never seen this degree of so many people literally being out of touch, devoid reality, and unhinged.
The sheer hatred spewing from the Democrats and media personalities is beyond anything that belongs in politics. It is equivalent to a child throwing a temper tantrum because they didn’t win a game, a teenager flying into a rage over a relationship breakup or an college-aged adult showing a social justice warrior’s rage over a “microaggression” or claiming their ice cream is racist.
Nothing comes to a screeching halt here just because Comey’s been let go. But the hysteria and the panic and the outrage is rooted in raw hate. The Democrats, wherever you find ’em — in the media, think tanks, don’t care where you find ’em — they’re being consumed by it, folks. They’re literally being eaten alive with an irrational, raw hatred literally absorbing them. Nothing good for them can come of this kind of hate and resulting derangement. Nothing good. This is not how you put together winning movements.
This is not how you build or grow anything, this kind of raw, unfettered hate that they now have lost total control over — and Trump is just taunting them. Trump is just feeding it. He’s doing everything he can to drive them even crazier, and they’re falling for it each and every occasion. Now, nobody’s focusing on the detail that Comey has told Trump three times there’s nothing there. Three times Comey has told Trump, “I’m not investigating you.” They’re looking past that. They’re not even seeing that.
Rush Limbaugh makes the point that the anger coming from Democrats isn’t actually due to the actions on Trump’s part, but rather the hatred of Trump and everything he stands for. Even though Democrats have called for James Comey to be fired or to resign many times in the past months, when Trump is the one who actually fires him, they fly into a hysterical rage because they have been programmed to despise every action by the president.
Unfortunately, some members of the left have fallen prey to the lies of their party leaders and are being manipulated on a purely emotional basis.
Do you realize what a nothing burger the Democrat Party is? Do you realize the Democrat Party literally has nothing virtuous, positive, uplifting to run on? In all of this, the Democrat Party dares not ask people, “Hey, take a look at us. We got better ideas. Hey, take a look at us. We can fix this.” None of that. The only thing they’ve got is this insane, invisible, nonexistent, so-called connection between the Russians and our election. They have no ideas. They have no optimism. They have no leaders. They have no vision. They are ripe for being smoked for generations! This is the time to move in politically and wipe them out.
The media stands in the way, obviously. But I’m just telling you, this kind of irrational hate — this all-consuming hate and derangement, delusion — it isn’t healthy. The majority of the American people do not want their politics, day to day, to be governed by this stuff. If they did, we wouldn’t be living with circumstances as we are now. We’ve got a big row to hoe. I don’t want to be misunderstood. But this instance, this episode that’s happened here, Comey being fired; Trump doing it?
The Democrat party, driven by the most radical members of the far-left and the media, truly believes that the majority of American voters are 100% on their side. They feel that all Democrats are experiencing the same outrage at Trump as they are and are just as eager to see the president removed from office, forcibly if needed.
In reality the working class Democrats, many of who voted for Trump last year, are probably totally disgusted by the erratic behavior of their political leaders. As was made clear during the election, many Democrat voters are vastly more concerned with policies and jobs than they are with social justice movements, radical protests or hate-filled rhetoric.
Rush Limbaugh is completely correct in his assessment, and I believe the Democrats will face a stone cold reality after the mid-term elections in 2018.
Limbaugh sums up the new Democratic party perfectly with the following statement.
“The left has just corrupted everything that it has attempted to gain control of. It’s not healthy, and of course it’s not good, when there are doubts about honesty from every sector of government.”