This year’s presidential election has seen an unprecedented level of division and anger between voters, and even though Donald Trump has officially been elected as our next president, there are still those who refuse to let democracy prevail.
Since Donald Trump triumphed over Hillary Clinton there have been attacks on his supporters, fear mongering from the press and even an organized effort to abolish the electoral college. The anti-Trump groups not only want to change future election methods, however, they also are seeking to intimidate electors to change their votes from Trump to Clinton when the time comes in December, effectively overriding the will of the people in various states.
Anti-Trump and Clinton aligned forces have even released a list of elector’s personal contact information so that Democrats angry at the way the people voted this year can attempt to intimidate them to forgo democracy and refuse to uphold the electoral college.
Some of these people have already attempted to contact electors, even in the deeply conservative state of Texas, and at least one of them have responded according to this Tweet from an anti-Trump voter.
Thankfully, this elector from Texas refused to allow himself to be bullied into changing his vote away from Donald Trump.
Due to this historic assault on democracy and our electoral system, Oath Keepers, a citizen organization dedicated to defending the constitution and the founding principles of America, have volunteered their services to electors
Oath Keepers have issued a “call to action“, pledging to protect any electors whose lives have been threatened or intimidated by those who cannot accept Donald Trump as president:
OFFER OF PROTECTION TO ELECTORS: Oath Keepers is hereby issuing a standing offer of volunteer protection to any of the Electoral College Electors who may feel threatened or in danger from leftist radicals attempting to coerce them into changing their vote as Electors.
Any Elector who wants our assistance may contact us at: [email protected]
Please feel free to repost this notice online, or to pass on to Electors who may need our help. However, Electors are encouraged to initiate contact with us through the above email address only and to be wary of anyone contacting them through other means, claiming to be from Oath Keepers. If in doubt, email us to verify.
All communications and requests from electors will be kept in the strictest confidence, and only vetted, trusted, qualified Oath Keepers members will be dispatched to provide security.
That protection can be overt or covert, or a combination of those two postures, at the discretion of the Elector after consultation with our security team leaders, and will consist of our unpaid volunteer retired police officers and experienced combat veterans with personal security detail training and experience. We can, and will, provide this protection from now through their vote on December 19. 2016, and even thereafter if they still feel threatened by terrorists seeking reprisal and punishment for the Electors not bending to their will.
CALL TO ACTION: Due to the gravity of the threat to our Republic from terrorists attempting to steal the election through coercion, this is also a call to action to our state and local leaders, and in particular to our Community Preparedness Team (CPT) leaders, to prepare security details in each of the targeted states to be on standby for immediate deployment if a request for protection comes in from an Elector.
WHY WE ARE DOING THIS: In the wake of President-Elect Donald Trump’s victory on Election Night, Republican Electors across the country have received an increasing wave of harassment and threats, in the form of phone calls, emails, messages on social media, and even in-person visits to their homes, by leftists who seek to pressure those Electors into changing their votes from Trump to Clinton when the Electoral College meets on December 19, 2016. Such harassment and threats intensified after anti-Trump groups published online the names, addressed, phone numbers, emails, gender, and race of Republican Electors in states that went for Trump.
According to the Detroit News, one of the Republican Electors for Michigan, Michael Banerian, has received multiple death threats.
Members of Oath Keepers have offered to provide security for electors and have also offered either “overt or covert” services, meaning their personnel could be visible or remain unnoticed by the person they are protecting.
It’s a sad day in America when elector’s lives are being threatened for simply upholding our electoral system, abiding by the will of the people they serve and intending to cast their votes for Donald Trump.
President Obama is taking no action to defuse the violence and protests taking place across the country, and we know Hillary Clinton certainly won’t be saying anything positive, so it’s up to patriots to volunteer in order to protect the rights of our electors.