Yesterday I reported on the Sean Hannity radio show and how Melissa Young, the former Miss Wisconsin pageant winner who spoke out in support of Donald Trump during the primaries, took a turn for the worse due to her terminal medical condition. Her health isn’t the only thing she has to be worried about, however, as her home is currently being terrorized by attempted break ins and her car has been stolen.
Melissa suffers from an immune disorder caused by a medical professionals negligence. Despite her condition, you may remember her getting on stage with Trump at a townhall in Wisconsin during the primaries, telling the audience how he gave her hope at her darkest hour and promised to take care of her son after she was gone. It was a touching moment, and Melissa appeared at several other Trump events as well as speaking out in his favor during the election.
On Sean Hannity’s show yesterday, he said he’s actually become friends with Melissa and has been checking in with her.
She told him that, “Her dream was to live long enough to see Donald Trump become president“. Donald Trump also made a promise to send her son to college when he comes of age and look after him, giving her comfort that he will be taken care of when she is gone.
Thankfully Melissa’s wish came true and Donald Trump won the election, but since election day, Melissa Young has taken a turn for the worse. Her friend has set up a GoFundMe page seeking support from the public in order to help her with overwhelming medical costs.
Her medical issues aren’t the only concern for Melissa, however, as she has also been the victim of an attempted home invasion and car theft since election day.
Two of her friends were on Hannity, Chelsea Cooley (former Miss USA 2005) and Rose Tenent (host of Rose Unplugged radio show). They said Melissa stayed up till 5:00am the night Trump got elected, she was so excited.
Chelsea said ever since Melissa spoke out in favor of Donald Trump in March that she’s received a lot of hate mail. On election night someone tried to break in, unsuccessfully. Then, early Sunday morning someone tried to break in to her house again, and although unsuccessful again, they did steal her family’s car.
The culprit also left evidence that they would return and possibly try to harm Melissa. Her friends told Hannity that:
“Melissa and her family were recently victims of a crime which they feel they were targeted over her support for Donald Trump.“
Chelsea continues, explaining that Melissa is hooked up to IVs in order to get hydration at night and, “when you’re trying to unplug from IVs, it is not a simple, quick procedure. So here she is, frantically trying to break loose, rushing to her son’s room and making sure he’s ok.”
All she could do is cover her son with her body until the police got there, she was terrified, and now she is living in fear.
After all Melissa Young has been through with her medical condition, the last thing she should have to worry about is the safety of herself and her son, who is only 8 years old.
Thankfully, Sean Hannity said he will call his friends at Simplisafe Home Security and they’ll send over a complete system for her, everything she needs to keep her family safe.
Sean said he had a very personal, private conversation with Melissa about life and death, explaining she knows she’s not going to make it, but knowing that Donald Trump is going to look after her son puts her at peace.
Melissa’s friend Chelsea also told Hannity that:
“The only thing God has left her with, is her voice, and she’s been using that voice, as weak as it is sometimes, she uses it for a strong message. And right now she’s just asking people to come together for our nation, and telling us that everyone has a mom, whether on you’re on the left or right, whether you voted or didn’t, how would you feel if your mother, at the end of your life, a mother who only wants to spend the last days of her life with her child, was being terrorized? How can you attempt to rob that mother, not just of her car, but of those final days spent with the one she loves so desperately.“
Here is a link to a podcast of Hannity’s show yesterday, the segment that includes Melissa’s friends starts around 47:30.