Congresswoman and former chairwomen of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Shultz has been caught up in yet another scandal, as a long-time IT staffer for dozens of high ranking Democrats was arrested for bank fraud, but evidence has emerged that indicates Awan may have been involved in a serious hacking operation threatening national security.
Imran Awan, a 37-year-old Pakistani-American, suspiciously wired $300,000 to his family in Pakistan and was arrested while trying to board an airplane in late July. Earlier this year, Awan, along with his brother, had their IT access to the DNC and Democrat officials suspended and a criminal investigation was opened by U.S. Capitol Police.
Another suspicious aspect of the case is the fact that 5 members of the Awan family, who all worked for Democrats in some capacity, were collectively paid at least $4 million since July of 2009, which had led to allegations that the Awan brothers had some sort of blackmail material on high-ranking Democrats to justify such outrages salaries. Further adding fuel to these suspicions is the fact that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz kept Imran Awan on her payroll, as he continued to receive a paycheck for nearly 6 months after his IT access to congressional Democrats was suspended. Awan, now facing charges of bank fraud, has also received a high-ranking Clinton lawyer to represent him, which is quite a lofty appointment for a simple IT staffer.
Below is an outline of the Awan brother’s and their relative’s positions with various Democrat politicians and the salaries they were paid for “IT work”.
Judicial Watch has been spearheading the investigation into uncovering just how entangled the Awan brothers and their illicit activities were in the Democrat Party. Judicial Watch has filed a series of FOIA requests, and their Director of Investigations Chris Farrell has released a video outlining the status of the Awan brothers case.
On this edition of On Watch, Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell answered questions via Facebook Live regarding the curious saga of the Awan Brothers and the DNC. As Chris explains, this is a troubling issue; the case is not only about government contractors “gaming the system,” but one of national security as well.
Curiously, Judicial Watch seems to be asking the hard questions and leading the deep investigation that one would think the Department of Justice would be handling. Attorney General Jeff Sessions must be more than aware of the Awan brothers and their alarming access to sensitive government information by now. The sheer amount of money Awan and his family members have been paid for positions that couldn’t possibly warrant their salaries, along with Debbie Wasserman-Shultz remaining to pay them despite them being suspended from their positions, is certainly enough to justify an aggressive investigation on the part of Jeff Sessions.
At least we know that President Trump himself is aware of the Awan brothers IT scandal, as last week he re-tweeted a tweet by conservative news outlet Townhall, criticizing the lack of mainstream media coverage of the Awan case.
ABC, NBC, And CBS Pretty Much Bury IT Scandal Engulfing Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Office https://t.co/PjbZ2TGIKb
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 27, 2017
Only days ago, Trump also re-tweeted a clip of Fox News hosts mocking Debbie Wasserman’s explanation of why she kept Imran Awan on her payroll, even after his IT credentials were revoked.
“What’s a high priced Clinton attorney doing representing a low level IT staffer for the Democrats?”
-@jessebwatters on the DWS scandal pic.twitter.com/mfl6eG1mn2— Rightly News (@RightlyNews) August 5, 2017
Apparently Debbie Wasserman thought that Imran Awan was so talented, that she kept paying him his 6-figure salary so that he could “help with the printers and phones”. If a congresswomen needs to pay a staffer 6-figures to help her make a phone call or print a document, then perhaps politics isn’t the right career path for her. Also, if Debbie Wasserman can’t manage her corruption and illicit activities better, perhaps the Democratic Party isn’t the political group for her to align herself with.