While most people were spending time with their families and friends, enjoying a scrumptious meal and trying to avoid talking politics, Jill Stein has been busy raising massive amounts of money in record time (for her anyways) in an effort to present legal cases for an election recount in 3 key swing states.
Most of the voters may have been putting politics on hold this Thanksgiving, but it appears back room politics is still moving forward as usual. Out of nowhere, Jill Stein, of the Green Party, has launched a massive fundraising page for legal costs associated with forcing a recount in 3 states that Donald Trump won (which the media said he wasn’t suppose to win). Those states are Michigan, which ironically announced today that they had completed their own recount and Donald Trump is still the winner, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Earlier on Thanksgiving Day, Jill Stein announced that her recount fundraising efforts have netting over $3 million dollars, enough to cover the estimated legal costs of challenging election results in the state of Wisconsin, which incidentally has a cut off to file these proceedings the day after Thanksgiving, Friday November 25th.
Once they hit this milestone, Jill took a moment to outline her plans, as well as a need for more money to contest results in other states:
“Congratulations on meeting the recount costs for Wisconsin. Raising money to pay for the first round so quickly is a miraculous feat and a tribute to the power of grassroots organizing!”
“Now that we have nearly completed funding Wisconsin’s recount (which is due on Friday), we can begin to tackle the funding for Michigan’s recount (due Monday) and Pennsylvania’s recount (due Wednesday).”
Stein said Wednesday that many Americans are wondering if the election results were reliable after a “divisive and painful” race and reported hacks into voter and party databases and individual email accounts.
“These concerns need to be investigated before the 2016 presidential election is certified,” she said in a statement released by her campaign.
Jill posted a message around the time she hit this benchmark and paid tribute to the “power of grassroots organization”, crediting it for her miraculously raising over $3 million dollars in almost a single day. Although I have to wonder as to where this “grassroots organization” was during her presidential campaign efforts, as overall she only raised a little over $3 million dollars total the entire time.
Credit: The_Donald on Reddit
As the news of this sudden fundraising effort spread, social media sleuths went to work analyzing exactly how much money she was making per hour and where the funds were coming from, since her count seemed to raise consistently even through nighttime hours when most people are sleeping and you would expect them to slow down.
Not so in this case, as one user on social media calculated that Jill’s recount fundraiser was bringing in around $160,000 per hour consistently, regardless of what time of day it was.
One user at The_Donald on Reddit posted an analyses of the strange consistency of her funds being donated, suggesting that automated bots were being used to secretly donate on a regular basis 24 hours a day, in order to hit the recount effort’s fundraising goals well before the cutoff in the states for challenging election results.
Sure enough, as this user predicted, Jill Stein’s recount fundraiser broke $4.5 million dollars late last night, and at the time of this article, she is already up to over $4.6 million.
Now the goal is set at $7 million, which is the estimated total cost for challenging election results in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Convenient, that in a matter of days over a busy holiday Jill Stein, who has absolutely nothing to gain from this endeavor since she garnered only about 1% of the votes in these states, will end up raising enough money right before the deadlines to challenge the results in all three states. States, that only Donald Trump had won in, states that he was not suppose to win and states that he won by a lower margin.
So, Jill Stein doesn’t suspect any type of fraud happening in states that Hillary Clinton won like Nevada, Colorado or even California?
Also, let’s not forget that the media blasted Trump for indicating he may challenge the results of the election if needed, and even Barack Obama told him to “stop whining” and that there is no election rigging taking place. How their story has changed now that they need to benefit from a “rigged” election.
Of course Jill isn’t doing this to benefit her own presidential campaign, as the only person this could in any way benefit is Hillary Clinton. Which is odd, because in the weeks leading up to the election, Jill Stein sent out extremely negative tweets regarding Clinton, claiming that her “foreign policy is much scarier than Trump’s.”
Donald Trump has said he wants to bans Muslims, but Hillary Clinton has already bombed Muslims. #tytlive
— Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) October 22, 2016
Speculation as to the real motivation behind Jill Stein’s last minute fundraising efforts for a recount have ranged from this being an undercover plan by the Democrats/Clintons to steal the election from Trump and claim that the “Russians” hacked the voting machines in his favor, to this whole operation being nothing more than a fundraising effort for future Green party campaigns.
The timing of this recount effort, however, is troubling since only last week a group of scientists, which included voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman (director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society) who announced they had found “persuasive evidence” that results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked.
New York Magazine states that sources confirmed that the activists held a conference call last Thursday with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and campaign general counsel Marc Elias to make their case.
The academics presented findings showing that in Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots.
Based on this statistical analysis, Clinton may have been denied as many as 30,000 votes; she lost Wisconsin by 27,000.
What a coincidence, a group of “scientists”, lawyers and mathematicians in communication with John Podesta (Clinton Campaign Chairman) and Hillary Clinton just happen to conclude that tens of thousands of votes were denied her in crucial swing states that the mainstream media said were a sure win for her.
Nothing suspicious about this, right?
Now, only a few days after this article was released regarding this group of scientists, who really have no hard evidence, only speculation, Jill Stein decides to try and raise millions of dollars before the deadline for Wisconsin ends on Friday, followed by deadlines for Michigan and Pennsylvania on Monday and Wednesday of next week. Not only did Stein start a recount fundraiser, but she actually was raising millions of dollars at a breakneck speed and supposedly from small “grassroots” donors.
If we put the pieces together for the sake of conspiracy theory speculation, we could deduce that in the 2 weeks since the election was called for Trump, Clinton allies have been scrambling to put together a recount case in 3 states that, if successful, could result in the electoral college tipping in her favor. John Podesta gathers a team of lawyers and mathematicians to fabricate enough data to make a case to the courts in each state, spurred on by a rapid fundraising effort that they can claim came from “activists” who support their cause (rather than a corrupt billionaire named George Soros), and plant further doubts in the minds of anti-Trump protesters as to the legitimacy of his victory.
In reality, even with the funds, Jill Stein would face a very difficult legal battle in these states, and there’s no guarantee that the courts would even allow a recount based on whatever “evidence” they intend to present. However, this has been a historic year and it’s no secret that powerful elements within our own government and corporate systems would do anything to prevent Trump from becoming president.
I do believe that the anti-Trump groups, spurred on in the background by Hillary Clinton and her donors, will continue trying to undermine Donald Trump in any way possible. With that being said, this could all be a massive ploy to further add fuel to the anti-Trump protests, claiming the election is illegitimate since Hillary won the popular vote.
The speculation could go on and on, and only the coming week will tell the story as to what this recount fundraiser was really all about, but Trump voters must maintain their vigilance and never let their guard down, as there are forces out there that will take advantage of any exploit available to them.
What do you think this is all about? Last minute cash grab, or something more devious?
Let me know in the comments below.