Well, the media can’t accuse Donald Trump of copying anyone else, as the inauguration speech he gave after being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States was one hundred percent Trump.
The media can describe Trump’s speech as “dark” all day long, but what they failed to realize is that his message was “pure Americana” and patriotism that our country has not experienced in a generation. It was not a flowery, professionally written speech, but instead the hard truth that our government has ignored for so many years, and a truth that millions of Americans experience and struggle with every day of their lives.
As I was listening to media pundits before the inauguration many of them were expecting Trump to deliver a message of “unity” and attempt to reach out to those protesting his administration. They were begging to hear the word “unity” fall from Trump’s mouth, but instead he gave his own analogy of coming together through patriotism. I recall Barack Obama using the word “unity” during his many speeches for the past 8 years, yet this election proved our country was more divided along the lines of race, politics and beliefs than it has been in decades.
Obama’s message of unity fell on deft ears, but something tells me Trump’s message will be remembered and engraved in American history forever..
President Trump Inauguration Address | The 45th president of the United States speaks outside the Capitol building on Inauguration Day. During his inaugural address, Trump told the American people that this was “their celebration.”He echoed themes that were repeated throughout his campaign, promising not to leave “the forgotten men and women” behind, and calling for a return of power to the people as opposed to politicians in Washington.
What we experienced was the beginning of a new American renaissance the likes of which our generation has never seen. President Trump referenced a Bible passage that said, “How pleasant it is, when God’s people live together in unity” and told the audience that “We will be protected by God.” How very different than what we are use to hearing from our politicians, who avoid any talk of “America first” or divine providence like the plague.
Trump mentioned God with confidence and hope, not with the intention of fear, criticism or consternation as it has been in the past.
There is no mystery to Donald Trump, despite the media trying to peg him as unpredictable. He is a patriot who loves America, empathizes with the struggles of the working class and a man who will work tirelessly towards his goals. His message has remained consistent since the day he announced his candidacy, a message that can be summed up in two words…America First.