Was America’s iconic Lady Liberty meant to be a hijab wearing Muslim woman? According to a report released last week by CBS News, the answer is yes. On Friday CBS sent out a tweet with a link to a video on their page compiled by one of their contributors that suggests the Statue of Liberty, gifted to the United States by France, was suppose to be a Muslim woman.
Statue of Liberty was originally intended to be a Muslim woman, researchers say https://t.co/J0u5MtzRYQ pic.twitter.com/8p0xSUXT1f
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 4, 2017
Since President Trump’s recent efforts to secure the nation’s borders by putting a temporary ban on migrants from seven terrorism prone countries, the mainstream media has cranked up propaganda machines to maximum speed, rapidly spinning stories to create a specific narrative. The media has attempted to incorrectly classify Trump’s executive order on refugees as a “Muslim ban“, even though the most populous Muslim countries such as Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are not included in his order, while at the same time trying to influence public opinion on Islam.
So it should come as no surprise that mainstream media outlets are going overboard, with CBS seriously publishing a report titled “Statue of Liberty was Originally Muslim Woman“.
Right, because nothing screams liberty and freedom like a woman who isn’t allowed to drive and must cover their body/faces in public at all times or risk harsh punishment. In fact, a few months ago in Saudi Arabia a woman dared to share photos of herself without a hijab on social media, which quickly prompted calls for her execution from the public.
CBS’s “report” on their theory of a Muslim Statue of Liberty was brief and makes a pretty far historical stretch to come to their conclusions.
According to their video the designer of the Statue of Liberty, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, was working on a statue design for Egypt to celebrate the opening of the Suez Canal. The statue was to be featured at the mouth of the canal as a monument to Egyptian culture, as pictured below.
Unfortunately Egypt was a very poor country at the time and couldn’t afford the cost of such a project, so Bartholdi took his idea to America and changed the entire statue to be based off of the Roman goddess Libertas, who represented the embodiment of liberty in that era.
The fact of the matter is, Bartholdi’s Egyptian idea to sculpt a statue that represented an Egyptian peasant woman was a completely different project than the American Statue of Liberty proposal. It was simply a proposed idea by a sculptor to country where that type of representation would make sense based on their culture. I can’t imagine a sculptor possibly believing that he could sell a giant statue of a Muslim woman to America, when Islamic tenets represented the exact opposite of the religious freedom in the United States.
What’s next from the mainstream media in their attempts to distort Western culture, effectively changing history to fit their liberal politics? Perhaps a report on how the Mona Lisa was originally intended to represent a woman under Sharia Law?
As ridiculous as that may sound, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a liberal journalist somewhere frantically seeking a piece of history to twist and make a headline like this.