Although Democrats are always quick to downplay instances of voter fraud, at least when it comes to their own operations, twelve employees of a Democrat-aligned group have been charged with submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications during last year’s presidential election.
In Indianapolis, prosecutors charged 11 temporary employees and the supervisor of Indiana Voter Registration Project, an organization with the primary goal of registering black voters, which is managed by the Democratic Party aligned group Patriot Majority USA. It’s ironic that these voter registration organizations always have such patriotic names attached to them, yet rarely do they ever espouse true American values.
The eleven employees of this group were reportedly given daily voter registration quotas that they had to meet, regardless of if the number was possible or not. However, suspicions were raised when a Hendricks County clerk noticed irregularities with the registrations being submitted, out of the approximate 45,000 applications that were collected by Patriot Majority USA.
State Police began investigating the group in August after a clerk in Hendricks County near Indianapolis flagged about a dozen registration forms that had missing or suspicious information. That investigation expanded to 56 counties where Patriot Majority said it had collected about 45,000 voter registration applications before last November’s election.
All 12 defendants face one count each of procuring or submitting voter registration applications known to be false, fictitious or fraudulent. Eleven of them face one perjury count each, while the 12th — their supervisor — faces one count of counterfeiting.
If convicted on all the charges each defendant faces up to 2 ½ years in prison.
The Indiana Voter Registration Project faces the same charges as the supervisor. If convicted, the group could face a fine of $10,000.
During the campaign, then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, raised the possibility of a “rigged” election. They offered no proof. Patriot Majority meanwhile asked the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights division to determine whether the police investigation was an attempt to suppress black voters.
True to the Democrat’s focus on identity politics and race-baiting, they have claimed that the investigation into their fraudulent voter applications is nothing more than attempt to suppress black voters, which ironically is the same argument they use against voter ID laws. It appears the investigation, however, has nothing to do with race and instead was prompted by fictitious or faked voter registrations submitted by employees who were threatened with losing their $10/hour job if they didn’t meet their quotas.
Yet more irony abounds, as Democrats constantly campaign for a $15/hour “living wage”, but rarely do they ever pay their low-level employees that amount. Liberals love using other people’s money to pay for their social experiments, as long as it doesn’t impact their own financial situation or prevent them from buying another beach house (as Bernie Sanders did after losing the primaries).
The investigation found workers had submitted bogus applications on behalf of nonexistent residents, submitted new applications for people who were already registered, and at least one application was submitted on behalf of a minor, he said.
A search warrant unsealed on Nov. 14 says some workers admitted to falsifying registrations, saying they faced the possibility of losing their temporary job if they didn’t register at least 10 new voters a day.
The probable cause affidavit says supervisors told canvassers “to obtain their quota by any means necessary.” Canvassers were paid $10 an hour and worked five-hour shifts.
“By giving someone a financial motive to (meet a quota) is what caused these canvassers to cut corners and do things that not only undermined the goal of having legitimate registered voters but led to a situation where we allege it bled over into criminal conduct,” Curry said.
The question should be, even though this instance of voter fraud is being investigated, how many more cases have occurred and were overlooked across the nation? How many more registrations of these Democrat-aligned groups, who claim to target registering members of the black community, were faked or fraudulent during the 2016 election? You can bet that if one case of organized fraud is identified, there are many other cases occurring on regular basis during major elections.
Patriot Majority President Craig Varoga said last year that canvassers weren’t paid according to a quota system and had been instructed that it is illegal to provide false information on voter registration forms.
The search warrant indicates that Patriot Majority submitted several hundred voter registration applications that included false, incomplete or fraudulent information. The warrant’s contents allowed State Police to raid the Indianapolis offices of Patriot Majority USA in October.
Curry said it’s unclear how many problematic applications were submitted, but that it was “a relatively small number.”
In reality, no instance of voter registration fraud is “small”, as it distorts the rights of actual voters and undermines the very principles of our democracy. This kind of fraud performed on a national scale, especially in highly contested counties, could have a massive impact on the outcome of a close election. Considering how close the election results were in battleground states last year, fraud on a mass scale in the Democrat’s favor could have easily resulted in the country saying “President Hillary Clinton” for the next 4 years, rather than President Donald Trump.