For the month of November, ADP Payroll Services reported the highest monthly increase in manufacturing jobs in their history of reporting.
Donald Trump campaigned on bringing back manufacturing jobs, to which Obama scoffed at by saying “those jobs are never coming back”. Obama claimed that America was beyond manufacturing growth, that our best days were behind us and technology was going to make those jobs obsolete.
Trump, on the other hand, instilled new confidence in blue collar workers when he promised to negotiate better deals and bring back the jobs lost under prior administrations. When Trump was inaugurated on January 20th he said, “We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth, and we will bring back our dreams.”
“Rusted out factories are scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from our homes and redistributed all cross the world,” Trump said.
America had lost 5 million manufacturing jobs since 2000, and the vast majority of jobs added under Obama were in the services sector, such as part time jobs specifically designed to keep workers under the 30-hour cap that would require them to offer Obamacare benefits.
ADP reports that 40,000 new manufacturing jobs were created in November, setting a historic record.
In order to stimulate the jobs market, Trump canceled over 800 Obama-era regulations in the “most far-reaching effort to cut red tape.” President Trump is taking swift action unraveling the massive web of government regulations by canceling each and every pending Obama-era regulation that was set to take place this year.
During the presidential race in 2016, Barack Obama refuted Trump’s promise to bring back jobs to the country, wondering what “magic wand” he had to accomplish this.
Responding to a question regarding manufacturing jobs Obama said, “Some of those jobs of the past are just not coming back. And when someone say’s, like the person you just mentioned who I’m not gonna advertise for, that he’s gonna bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you gonna do that? What are you gonna do? There’s no answer to it. He just says, I’m gonna negotiate a better deal. Well, how exactly are you going to negotiate that, what magic wand do you have?”
No, Barack Obama, the person who doesn’t have an answer is you, not Donald Trump.
In essence, Obama’s answer to blue collar workers concerned about losing their jobs and livelihoods was to simply get use to it, because those jobs are never coming back.
It’s appears Trump’s “magic wand” is not only real, but is working overtime to bring back manufacturing jobs to American workers. In reality, Trump’s only magic is having an actual desire to bring jobs back, the ambition to seek them out and the skill to execute profitable negotiations.
President Trump promised to create 25 million jobs during his presidency, which would be the most of for president in American history. Although mainstream media pundits scoffed at the idea of rebuilding America’s manufacturing industry, Trump has thus far proved them wrong…again.

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