For nearly a year Robert Mueller, along with his special counsel, has had the appearance of unfettered legal power, broad mainstream media support and the full backing of the Democrat Party in their quest to uncover alleged “Russian collusion” into the 2016 election. However, Mueller’s team has hit a series of roadblocks and unflattering media coverage recently, with a US Federal Judge in Virginia sharply questioning the scope and true intent of the special counsel’s legal actions.
On Friday, an intense courtroom battle played out between Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis and a lawyer representing Robert Mueller’s special counsel in their case against Paul Manafort. Recall that last year Mueller’s team brought charges against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort stemming from financial crimes dating as far back as 2005, each of which have nothing to do with Russian collusion, Donald Trump or the 2016 election, which is supposed to be the sole focus of Mueller’s investigation.
Judge Ellis righty points out that Mueller’s indictment of Manafort has nothing to do with the special counsel’s original investigation in Russian collusion, and states the obvious fact that the entire case is only about gaining ammunition to attack Donald Trump.
“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud … You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment,” said U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III.
At another point, Ellis accused department lawyers of “lying” about the scope of their investigation.
“This investigation that had led to this indictment… has nothing to do with Russia or the campaign,” said Ellis. “We said this is what our investigation is about, but we’re not bound by it, and we were lying. You care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you that could lead to Mr. Trump.”
“C’mon man!” Ellis added for emphasis.
Although many Americans have known exactly what Mueller’s true purpose was the moment he was appointed to a special counsel, hearing a federal judge so blatantly state the obvious in court to Mueller’s legal team is an embarrassing stain on the reputation of the special counsel, or at least the illusion of reputation that they have been attempting to uphold.
Ellis also points out that Mueller’s indictment includes no Russian individuals, banks, money or payments to Manafort in any way, which begs the question as to just how Mueller’s lawyers happened upon these crimes while supposedly investigating Russian collusion?
Judge Ellis:
“If I look at the indictment, none of that information has anything to do with links or coordination between the Russian gov’t and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump.” pic.twitter.com/GzYgUlyR0d
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) May 5, 2018
When Judge Ellis asks the special counsel’s lawyer if their true purpose in indicting Manafort was about leverage, or an attempt to coerce “cooperation” on their true target, which we all know to be President Trump.
The Judge lays out his correct observation that this case is all about leverage
against Manafort.He asks the Special Counsel if that assessment is wrong.
The Special Counsel refuses to answer the question. Twice. pic.twitter.com/4vi1KKOglU
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) May 5, 2018
In the end, Ellis demanded that Mueller’s team turn over the original un-redacted “scope memo” that outlines the original mandate and authority of the special counsel, which would have been issued by Rod Rosenstein.
Further, Ellis demanded to see the unredacted “scope memo,” a document outlining the scope of the special counsel’s Russia probe that congressional Republicans have also sought.
The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not — after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Ellis said.
The judge has not issued a ruling on Manafort’s request that the case against him be thrown out on the basis that the special counsel never had the investigative authority to begin with, yet having a federal judge aggressively call out Mueller’s true intent like this presents a serious problem when it comes to his perceived reputation.
Mueller’s greatest advantage is the perception that he and his team are operating with the upmost integrity, honesty and whose sole purpose is only to uphold the law fairly. This fantasy has been defended fiercely by the mainstream media and has also been used as a shield against scrutiny into Mueller’s aggressive tactics. Although many Americans are already well aware that Mueller’s motives are far from altruistic, there are still many who are completely unaware of the true intent behind the special counsel’s actions. However, when a federal judge so blatantly calls out the clear dishonestly and distortions taking place within Mueller’s special counsel, even the mainstream media is forced to report on it, although briefly, which begins to tarnish the “impeccable integrity” of Robert Mueller.
Now, if only Attorney General Jeff Session would have the audacity to speak so candidly to the American people, purpose this entire tax-payer funded charade would be over. However, since Sessions has recused himself from this case, there is little he can do without un-recusing himself and retaking control of the Justice Department, which may not be the best decision if Mueller’s team continues to fail and embarrass themselves just fine on their own.

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