Donald Trump was in Louisville, Kentucky, on Monday addressing a huge crowd of supporters and doing what he does best…connecting with the American people.
One of Trump’s main topics was healthcare and the progress his administration is making on the repeal and replacing of Obamacare. He expressed support for the Republican’s bill making it’s way through Congress, and assured the crowd that numerous improvements will be made along the way.
Trump even found time to go after his old foe, Colin Kaepernick, drawing on a recent story that the NFL quarterback is having trouble finding a team to sign him since his season of protesting the National Anthem.
“There was an article today that was reported that NFL owners don’t want to pick him up because they don’t want to get a nasty tweet from Donald Trump. Do you believe that?” the president said, prompting an ovation from the crowd at Freedom Hall.
“I said, if I remember that one, I’m going to report it to the people of Kentucky because they like it when people stand for the American flag, right?” Trump said, apparently referencing an article published last week explaining why Kaepernick was having trouble landing a contract. According to the report, one executive said that, “Some teams fear the backlash from fans after getting him. They think there might be protests or Trump will tweet about the team.”
It looks like even the NFL is fearing the power of Trump’s tweets.
The girl who sang the National Anthem had a particular impact on the crowd and knocked it out of the park.
Adorable blind girl blows away the crowd at Donald Trump rally in Louisville Kentucky.#MakeAmericaGreatAgain pic.twitter.com/NexjuzJSUs
— America First! (@America_1st_) March 20, 2017