In what seems like a never ending stream of ISIS inspired attacks in France and Germany over the past few weeks, this latest brutal murder has shocked the nation. The murder of Western civilians by radical Islamists continues to accelerate due to the mass immigration policies of EU nations along with a steady stream of “leading from behind” tactics.
Two ISIS attackers burst in to a church in Normandy, France this morning, murdering an 84-year-old priest by forcing him to kneel and then slitting his throat. This was before they performed an Islamic sermon at the alter of the church and shouted Allah Akbar repeatedly. Both attackers were shot and killed by police after they had arrived, and 1 person remains in critical condition at the local hospital.
Is there really any doubt that ISIS is at war with the West and radical Islamists will continue to enter Western countries as long as long as our leaders allow it?
Donald Trump’s policy of tougher vetting processes and stopping immigration from countries where radical Islam is present should no longer seem like an unrealistic plan to anyone witnessing these horrific attacks. Leaders of France and Germany urge calm, tolerance and solidarity, but the question remains, what will they do to prevent future attacks?
DailyMail UK reports:
French President Francois Hollande, who visited the scene today, said the country is now ‘at war’ with ISIS after the terror group claimed responsibility for the attack.
Really? So the country wasn’t at war with ISIS after the mass shootings in Paris in November, or the truck attack killing 84 people in Nice a few weeks ago? The slaughtering of a French police sergeant and his wife at the hands of a radical Islamist didn’t do the trick either? If France continues allowing weak leaders to decide the fate of their country, they may has well just put up the white flags now and surrender to radical Islam.
One of the killers was a French 19-year-old named as Adel Kermich, who was being monitored by electronic tag after being jailed for twice attempting to join ISIS in Syria.
After being released from jail early, his bail terms allowed him to be unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm. The attack happened between 9am and 11am.
He is understood to have forced the elderly priest to kneel while his accomplice, who also lived locally and was on a terrorist watchlist, filmed the brutal killing.
A third man, a 17-year-old known as HB and believed to be a relative of Kermich, was arrested at his home in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray following the attack.
So it turns out one of the killers, 19-year-old Adel Kermich, was already being monitored by an electronic device after already being in prison, twice, for trying to join ISIS in Syria. He was allowed to wander freely in the morning hours of the day, which he obviously took advantage of since this attack happened a half hour after his free time started.
The question that the French people should be asking their leaders, is why was a convicted ISIS supporter being allowed to wander free and even stay in their country in the first place?
The memorials, flowers and solidarity tweets will continue after each attack by radical Islamists, but will that change anything or prevent future deaths?
This man tried to join ISIS not once, but twice, and obviously has strong inclinations towards radical Islam. Do the people really think he will give up his radical feelings after being in jail a few times? No, it’s just going to further his resolve towards attacking the West and plotting more ways to cause terror.
Donald Trump’s policies of getting tougher and putting America first may have seemed extreme to many voters when he first started his campaign, but his point will only continue to be proved as more terror attacks take place.
If ISIS is following the American election, do they realize they are only proving Trump’s point regarding tougher immigration policies and cutting off refugees from Sryia? If they are trying to get Donald Trump elected, then they are succeeding.
This image is becoming the norm in Europe.
America has been relatively fortunate, compared to Europe at least, but we have not been exempt from our own radical terror attacks, such as the ones in San Bernardino and Orlando. Hillary Clinton is purposing an over 500% increase in Syrian and Middle-Eastern refugees if she is elected president. The EU has been taking in millions of refugees and migrants from the Middle East for years, and they are now seeing the results of their experiment in multiculturalism. The problem is, they are not just importing people, but also the intolerance that comes with many of their religious convictions.
The very tolerance and peace that Western leaders are proposing in their immigration policies, is the also the very tolerance that radical Islamists wish to destroy. So the very practice of taking in unvetting refugees is counter productive to the policies that Western leaders are claiming to champion. Radical Islam’s goal is to conquer and convert, not to assimilate. ISIS has specifically said they have infiltrated the Syrian refugees with thousands of their supporters. These supporters, once they arrive in Western nations, not only carry out attacks themselves, but embed themselves into Muslim communities in order to radicalize others. The spread of radical Islamic beliefs becomes incurable by nations like France and Germany who refuse to admit that there is a problem to face.
In relation to our current presidential election in America, the difference in beliefs regarding radical Islam are drastically different between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. On the first day of the DNC there were 61 speeches made, and not a single one mentioned terrorism or ISIS, as if it’s not even an issue worth mentioning. You would think that the acceleration of ISIS attacks in America and Europe over the past few months would have warranted at least a minor mention, but no, the Democrats are far more concerned with potty policies and open borders.
This is because the Democrat party, especially Hillary Clinton, represents the status quo more perfectly than anyone else in politics. She represents the, “business as usual” policies of Barack Obama and his administration, disregarding terrorism or violent events, as any acknowledgement of a larger problem would not fit their narrative of “everything is fine.” Just as Nero played the fiddle as Rome burned around him, Hillary Clinton will pander to the masses while more innocent lives are lost in order for further her party’s liberal agenda.
Donald Trump has become the only political candidate in America to freely admit and face the threats presented by radical Islam, refugee immigration and weak border security in our nation. With every attack in the name of ISIS that happens between now and the election in November, Trump’s proposed policies will only be reinforced and proven to be accurate.